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Faucets for Sinks

Is it time to switch out your Sink Faucets? You may be ready for an aesthetic update, or maybe something more sinister is happening with your Faucets.

Whether or not you need a plumber to replace your faucets depends on your level of comfort and experience with plumbing tasks. Replacing a faucet can be a relatively straightforward DIY project for someone with basic plumbing skills. However, if you’re unsure about your abilities or if the installation involves complex plumbing connections, reach out to us for expert installation of your faucets.

Typically, if you observe these signs of wear on your faucets, it is time to upgrade!

1. Constant leaks:

If you frequently find yourself tightening the faucet, or if it drips even after you've turned it off completely, it's time to replace it. This could be a sign of worn-out washers or damaged valves.

2. Rust and corrosion:

If you notice rust or corrosion on the faucet, it's likely that the internal parts are also damaged. A corroded faucet not only looks unsightly, but it can also affect the quality of your water.

3. Difficulty turning the handle:

If you find it hard to turn the handle, or if it gets stuck in one position, it's a sign that the faucet is starting to wear out. This can be a major inconvenience, especially if you need to adjust the water temperature frequently.

4. Old age:

If your faucet is more than 10 years old, it might be time to consider a replacement. Older faucets are more prone to leaks and other issues, and newer models are more efficient and offer better features.

5. Aesthetic changes:

If you're renovating your bathroom or kitchen, you might want to update your faucet to match the new décor. A new faucet can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your space.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good idea to consider replacing your sink faucet. Upgrading to a newer model can improve the functionality and appearance of your sink, and save you money on water bills in the long run.

So, is it time to place your Sink Faucets? 

If you are unfamiliar with the current faucet market here is guidance that will get you up to speed!

1. Types of Faucets

Single & Double handle, Touchless & Wall Mounted

On the top of the list to consider before purchasing sink faucets is understanding the types of faucets you can choose from including single-handle, double-handle, wall-mounted, and touchless faucets.

Single Handle vs Double Handle faucets

A single-handle faucet has one lever for controlling both water temperature and flow, while a double-handle faucet has separate handles for hot and cold water, allowing for independent temperature adjustment.

Wall Mounted faucet

A wall-mounted faucet can enhance aesthetic appeal and streamline cleaning in your kitchen or bathroom by eliminating a countertop fixture, offering a modern and space-efficient design.

Touchless Faucet 

a hands-free plumbing fixture equipped with sensor technology that allows users to activate the flow of water without physical contact, providing convenience and hygiene.

2. The Price of Faucets

Kohler Faucets, Moen Faucets and Delta Faucets quality and costs vary. Faucet research will help you make a confident decision about your house's sink faucets.

Faucet prices can vary widely based on factors such as brand, material, design, and features. On the lower end, basic faucets may start around $50, while more high-end or designer faucets can range from $200 to $1,000 or more. For a reliable and durable faucet with mid-range features, expect to spend between $100 and $300. Keep in mind that installation costs, if not a DIY project, should also be considered in your overall budget.

3. Eco Friendly Faucets

Details on water efficiency and flow rates to help consumers make environmentally conscious choices.

When seeking a water-efficient faucet, prioritize models with the WaterSense label, low gallons-per-minute (GPM) flow rates, and features like aerators for optimal water conservation, helping you save water and reduce utility costs.

Several faucet brands prioritize eco-friendly designs and water conservation. Some notable brands include Kohler, Moen, Delta, Grohe, and Pfister, which offer WaterSense-labeled faucets and employ technologies to enhance water efficiency, contributing to sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the home.